Hey friends! Today we are honored to introduce Emma Hughes, the founder of @Thrifty.sunflowers, as our guest for this week’s Thryfter Thursday blog segment! We are so lucky to have clients from all over the country. Emma is a small business owner based out of upstate New York, and even though she sells various garments, you’ll be able to spot here and there why her name has “sunflowers” in them… Emma loves flowers, and some of her love for them is reflected in the floral clothing she sells. Let’s dive in and learn more about Emma and the inspiration behind @Thrifty.sunflowers!
“Other thrifters inspired me and have lifted me up and supported me!”
“Never stop trying even if it doesn’t take off right away”
“I used Facebook, my personal Instagram and I was an extra in giveaways! And some other thrift friends would post my content sometimes!”
“People telling me to stop and that it won’t work”
“The thrifting community”
“Harry Styles because he doesn’t care what anyone says and he is super understanding and so kind to everyone. And he goes outside the bounds of gender!”
“I sold out a few different items on my latest feed drop which felt so good!”
“I might be doing a story sale next week! But my most recent drop from last week still has a few items available!”
“About 4-6 months now and I found out about you guys through another thrifter”
“Do what you love no matter what!”